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Although naked singularities might not exist in nature, General Relativity allows them so they are still of at least theoretical interest. The images and videos show the gravitational lensing of electrically overcharged Reissner Nordström, overextremal Kerr and also charged and spinning Kerr Newman singularities. The raytracing was done with the Yukterez Raytracer, which is written in Mathematica Syntax.

The total energy Mc² of the naked singularities on this page is the same in all examples, but its irreducible mass (ℳ), electric charge (℧) and angular momentum (a) components are split up differently. The following animation shows a naked singularity with different inclinations (0°=polar, 90°=equatorial).

Kerr Newman, M=1, a=1, ℧=1 → ℳ=½√(1+2i) - r=50GM/c², θ=0°..90°, FOV=120°×60° (click on the gif to load a higher resolution mp4):

Background: Milky Way panorama (ESO/Brunier), unlensed view with FOV=120°×60°:

Gravitational lense of a naked singularity with a=1.5, ℧=0.4 in the vicinity of the earth, ZAMO perspective (click to play animation):

Accretion disk around a naked singularity with a=1, ℧=0.3, inner radius: ri=1, outer radius: ra=10: