Introduction (to anyone listening!)

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Registriert: Di 13. Apr 2021, 14:52

Introduction (to anyone listening!)

Beitragvon m4r35n357 » Di 13. Apr 2021, 15:21

I am an amateur both at coding & physics, interested in visualizations in Special & General Relativity.

I have done some YouTube videos of the Twin Paradox from 1st person perspective using POVray raytracer. ... A0Yk1X7IuI

Also a Javascript canvas black hole orbit explorer (equatorial).

Finally, c code for ODEs and Black Holes using various combinations of symplectic integration, Taylor series integration and automatic differentiation. ... ompilation

I registered here because there are few resources for coding visualizations of relativity. I like this site, and Andrew Hamilton has some good videos but I can't understand his papers ;)

I came here because I saw some of your posts & videos, and realized that there is a free version of Mathematica in the Raspberry Pi OS! I might have questions at some point . . . .

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Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2015, 02:16

Re: Introduction (to anyone listening!)

Beitragvon Yukterez » Fr 16. Apr 2021, 04:56

m4r35n357 hat geschrieben:I have done some YouTube videos of the Twin Paradox from 1st person perspective using POVray raytracer.

Good job, although the videos lack a numeric display that tells the viewer what velocity the observer has relative to the background. I also don't get why the videos "earth gravity" and "moon gravity" show distortion, since their gravity is not strong enough to produce noticable gravitational lensing or such high freefall/escape-velocities that aberration would be visible to the naked eye, those videos need better explanation.

m4r35n357 hat geschrieben:I like this site

Madore's site is one of the best regarding the Kerr Metric.
by Simon Tyran, Vienna @ youtube || rumble || odysee || minds || wikipedia || stackexchange || License: CC-BY 4 ▣ If images don't load: [ctrl]+[F5]Bild

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